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September 30, 2011

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Some days you just feel like this!

And yes, it is in reference to this post


Happy Friday, everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend. I'll see you Monday.

Sunrise. My Vegas.

September 29, 2011

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Sometimes, if I get up early enough and look out the office window I am rewarded with some of the most beautiful light hitting the trees and plants out front of the house. And I feel revitalized.


Taking Punches

September 28, 2011

You may have noticed from previous posts that I am unemployed. This is still true. Having never before been in this situation (I'm still young, however, so I'm sure there is lots of time for this...) I'm not really sure that I'm handling it too well. To be honest, I'm craving structure. I'm craving human interaction outside of my new family here. I miss dressing in something other than jeans and a t-shirt. I miss the routine of working. I miss a pay check.

me, working

I know that I am very likely in a better situation than a lot of people looking for work in this town (hello, 12.1% unemployment rate) as my husband has a steady job that has allowed us some flexibility while we waited for my immigration to go through. But over the past month I've really started to feel as though it is time to start looking for a job.

I applied for my first job out here in the U.S. two weeks ago and within a week I received an email response stating that I was not selected for the position. Okay, I can handle that. I mean, did I really expect to attain the very first position I applied for? No, even though it would have made a nice story. My point is: I need to keep my head up. My husband's response to my telling him about the job was: "You've got to take a couple punches before you land something," and he's right.

So, with a full stomach and a fresh cup of steaming tea, I'm stepping up this morning and putting myself out there. I'm ready to roll with the punches.

September 27, 2011

first, a terrible argument.
next, we made love.
now, at last, I lay peacefully
on her large bed
which is
spread with a field of gracious flowers,
my head and belly down,
head sideways,
sprayed by shaded light
as she bathes quietly in the
other room.
it is all beyond me
as are most things.
I listen to classical music on a small radio.
she bathes.
I hear the splashing of water.

note on the tigress / charles bukowski

The Weekend in Photos • 02

September 26, 2011

Anxious to get out of Las Vegas for even a day Dom and I drove out to St.George, Utah to visit with some friends who had just had a baby. The clouds were just so beautiful and we were blessed with bright blue sunny skies.
We drove out to Pine Valley for a quick lunch amongst nature and supreme quiet. It was exactly what I needed after writing about missing Ontario, and it really was a lovely moment when Dom picked up the cameras on his own to take some photos. Plus we got to hang out with the cutest of cute, smallest baby boy.
It really was a wonderful day.

Sadness & Hidden Strength

September 23, 2011

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Today, as I take a short break from getting dressed for a memorial service for a friends' father I can't help but think about life and death. I've known some very young, amazing people who were taken before their time. I've known a grandmother who was ready to be reunited with her one true love. I've lost friends, neighbours and four grandparents. I have felt the loss deep in my bones. And so on this day, I send my thoughts out to Carol and her family and hope that they can make it through this rough period in their lives and discover the strength hidden within them.


September 21, 2011


I can't believe that at 27 I'm still scared. Scared of failing. Scared of succeeding. Scared of not knowing what comes next.

I'm watching everyone around me; what they're doing, what they aren't doing.

I need to stop this. There is only me.

The Weekend in Photos • 01

September 19, 2011

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Things I am grateful for from this weekend: Time spent relaxing with the hubs with a glass of wine and a great movie. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning and then waking up to draw. An evening with family and friends with drinks and great food.
Ice cream. Etsy sales. Time spent playing with my cat and her favourite toy. And diving into a good book that you just can't put down.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. Here's to looking to the next one!

Style File - Demin Queen

September 18, 2011

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style files - demin queen

This weekend really is shaping up to be what I had hoped it to be. On Friday night the hubs and I enjoyed a relaxing night that included dinner, wine and The Lincoln Lawyer (which was quite good, I recommend it). On Saturday night we were off to Dom's aunts for a get together with the family to watch the fight. I'm not big on the fight but I enjoy the family time, food and drinks. Plus, I'd been dying to show off this shirt :)
Shirt and jeans: Old Navy
Belt: Urban Behavior
Shoes: Payless
Bracelets: handmade
Watch: Birks

Me, on Etsy; and Etsy Love

September 17, 2011


I've had it in my head for a while now that I'd like to sell prints on Etsy. Over the years I've gathered up a few photos that I truly believe that others might like, and I have a lot more on the way.


I can guarantee that I won't be selling any prints that I don't absolutely love, just like I would never put any artwork or photography up on my own walls that I don't love. And I wouldn't expect any of you to either.

I urge you to take a look through the photography being sold through Etsy. There is some wonderful talent, like Little Brown Pen and Alison Claire Photography. Here is some specific art & photography that I'm really drooling over.


1. Last Light Paris photograph 2. Aqua Dandelions 3. Vintage Camera with flash watercolour print 4. I'd Rather be doing this today - film print

I'd love it if you'd drop by my shop and have a look around and see if anything tickles your fancy. I have some great new shots on the way as well. And if nothing in the shop is your taste have a look at the other photography on the site; there is some really amazing work.

Where I'm Going

September 16, 2011

We're moving next month... you see that loft space right there?
That is going to be my new studio. (Now that I've decided what I should be doing right now; that is, what is right for me and my husband). Colour me excited! A north facing window with beautiful light pouring in. Partial hardwood floor. I feel so lucky.
I was recently talking to a friend of mine about the new place and like so many times before she was able to iterate what I was trying to say but couldn't find the words: "It's not just you moving into his place this time, its you guys building a home together." Our current house will always be the first place I ever stayed in Las Vegas, the place where Dom and I took our first self-timer picture together, the place where we first lived together and started our marriage in. This new house? Well that will be a whole new adventure.

Green, and why I miss it

September 15, 2011

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It's often hard to put into words how I feel about having moved from Ontario, Canada here to Las Vegas, Nevada without coming off sounding ungrateful, resentful or homesick, (the truth is I'm really just the latter, but only at certain times). So I'm just going to say this about the upcoming season: there is nothing like fall in Ontario. The reds, oranges, greens and yellows popping up all over town. The crunch of the fallen leaves under your feet. The cooler air that means jeans and hoodies. I'm really going to miss it this year.







These photos don't even begin to do Ontario justice. But you definitely won't find anything like that here in Las Vegas.

What about all you out there? Tell me about your home town and what it's like!

Nightstand Revival

September 14, 2011


See this nightstand? It needs a makeover.



The husband and I will be making two new nightstands for the bedroom in the new house (I will definitely document the process!) and so I'm looking to spruce this one up for the spare bedroom. Dom wanted to just get rid of it but despite being a little chipped and not very sturdy its perfectly fine. Like I said, it just needs a makeover.

I'm finding inspiration in these photos, whether that be the colour, design or just how they are decorated on top.



1. Distressed gray nightstand from Ballard Designs 2. William Sonoma nightstand via Pinterest 3. Apartment therapy via Pinterest 4. Apartment therapy via Pinterest 5.

That distressed grey? Love it, but it might blend in to our bed too much. Crisp white? Always. Bright colours? Definitely. And love the look of that wood and the simple, scarce decorating.

I'd better stop now or I never will, but keep an eye out for a post on my nightstand make over!


Late summer showers. My Vegas.


As I mentioned yesterday its been raining a fair amount here in LV. I woke up to the sound of it pounding against my bedroom patio door and after taking a moment to stretch and wipe the sleep from my face I padded into the kitchen to put water on for tea and then reached for my camera.

09.14.11 (2)-1

09.14.11 (2)-2

09.14.11 (2)-3

09.14.11 (2)-4

09.14.11 (2)-5

Downstairs in the kitchen I pulled the screen door open just a crack in order to smell the sweet rain that (honestly!) I have missed from back home. It is still quiet outside and as I sip my tea I can feel a cool breeze drift into the house. It made me think of these photographs.

09.14.11 (2)-6

I'll make bracelets, and start on a few new art projects today.

What is your day shaping up to look like?

"Rework" works, or: Where I'm At

September 12, 2011


This year I'm starting a business.

Where am I in the process? Right now I'm in the "okay I'm ready to go but sitting here checking my email for new client inquiries and calling my cell phone to conclude that yes, it does it fact work" stage. Also known as the "lots of time but no clients" stage. It doesn't help that I had to start over with licensing after moving here and have been stuck with a learner's permit stopping me from being able to drive on my own. What about I can't drive anywhere to meet you for a session screams "I'm a professional"? Wait, don't answer that! So needless to say I'm at the beginning. For the second time around.

If you didn't already know I'm a Canadian born and raised. This past January I picked up my life and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where my then-fiance has lived since he was eight (we have since married). Back East I had a full time job at an internet marketing company but I had also started a photography business on the side. I had reached the point where I was booking new clients based solely on past satisfied clients. Awesome. Things were starting to look up. Still, moving to another Country was something I was willing to do for love. What this meant, however, was that I was going to have to start fresh in a city that I knew nothing about.

Great. Now we're caught up.


Starting fresh. It's a daunting feeling, hardened by the fact that I'd left a vast chunk of my support system/cheering section back in Canada. This time I really am starting on the ground floor. Hell, I'm probably in a sub-basement of some kind. Needless to say I'm like a sponge at this point; absorbing any kind of guidance or encouragement that I can (which much to my surprise has come not from those I had expected but from people who feel new to my life - and in fact many are). I'm reading a lot: how-to books, how-not-to articles, books about the creative process and more. It's no surprise that on my book devouring journey I came across "Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson And well, needless to say I've learned a few things. In an attempt to keep my findings brief, organized and coherent I give you... headings.

Constraints are really advantages in disguise

Rework talks about the importance of not allowing yourself to be sucked into constraints. "Limited resources force you to make due with what you've got. There's no room for waste and that forces you to be creative... so before you sing the 'not enough' blues, see how far you can get with what you have."

Um. Dead true. Right now I have the knowledge, the desire and the equipment but I lack little things that I now realize I am using as an excuse: "But I don't have my packaging figured out yet," "I should really decide right now what I'm going to do about family and friend discounts," "I should think about this one last lens, then I'll be good." All of these things= excuses, excuses, excuses. Limited resources doesn't mean that my work will not be done to the best of my abilities. As the book says: it just means I'll have to be a little more creative. Nothing wrong with that, nothing at all.

You need less than you think

This point is somewhat tied in to the first point but also serves to stand on its own. The premise is that while you may eventually need to go the bigger, more expensive route you more than likely don't need to right now. You need less than you think.

We're called Starters

"Let's retire the term entrepreneur. It's outdated and loaded with baggage. It smells like a members-only club. Everyone should be encouraged to start his own business, not just some rare breed that self-identifies as entrepreneurs.

This speaks volumes to me, and not just because there is something so unnatural about me opening my mouth and uttering the words "I am an entrepreneur." I'd much rather just say that I'm starting a business and leave it at that (besides - I suppose - further expanding on what it is that I intend to do).

Sell your by-products

Think of the lumber industry selling what used to be considered waste: sawdust and chips. "You can't make just one thing. Everything has a by-product." I'm thinking of those photos that I snap in between client frames; the old coke bottles off to the side of where your clients are posed hand in hand; or the sunset shots snapped during a wardrobe change. By-products. Try and sell the prints in an Etsy shop (more on this in another post) or sell them as stock images. "There's probably something you haven't thought about that you could sell too."

Get your beauty sleep

A lack of sleep causes you to become more stubborn and irritable, and has a negative effect on your creativity and morale. As a creative, do I really need to say any more?

Focus on you instead of they

"Worrying about the competition quickly turns into an obsession. What are they doing right now? Where are they going next? How should we react? Every little move becomes something to be analyzed. And that's a terrible mindset. It leads to overwhelming stress and anxiety."

Rework tells you to focus on yourself instead as that is far more important than anything going on out there. "Focus on competitors too much and you wind up diluting your own vision." I'm going to be honest and admit that I focus too much on what other photographers are doing. I swoon over their latest family session. I even feel a little jealous of their talent. Silly, silly Rachel.

Don't confuse enthusiasm with priority

Ouch. I have a big problem with doing this. I come up with a great idea, become flooded with excitement that I tend to drop everything else. "The enthusiasm you have for a new idea is not an accurate indicator of its true worth... so let your latest grand idea cool off for a while first. Write them down and park them for a few days. Then, evaluate their actual priority with a calm mind.

Emulate drug dealers

Um, what? I beg you to keep reading. "Drug dealers are astute businesspeople. They know their product is so good they're willing to give away a little for free upfront. They know you'll be back for more - with money. Emulate drug dealers. Make your product so good, so "can't miss" that giving customers a small taste makes them come back with cash in hand... This gives people a way to try [your product] without investing any money or a lot of time." This makes me think of photographers who offer mini-sessions for certain holidays. It's a short session (usually half an hour) and the clients get a few photos. Brilliant. It gives the clients a little taste of what you can do for a low price and hopefully it means they will come back and book other sessions with you. It's a chance to show customers what you can do without them having to hand over a lot of money.

Inspiration is perishable

"We all have ideas. Ideas are immortal. They last forever. What doesn't last forever is inspiration. Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk: it has an expiration date... if you want to do something, you've got to do it now... Inspiration is a magical thing, a productivity multiplier, a motivator. But it won't wait for you. Inspiration is a now thing. If it grabs you, grab it right back and put it to work." Yes, yes yes. This is something that I think my husband might not understand quite yet. There are times when I disappear into the office for hours until he comes wandering down wondering where I am. We're only five months into our marriage, though: he'll soon learn my ways.

9.12.11 book

Long story short: "Rework" works, and that's the whole point of the book: to show you that what you've always been told, what has been drilled into you (i.e. write a business plan, seek investors, study the competition) isn't necessarily the way to go. What this book has showed me is that I am allowing a lack of certain resources and an obsession with the competition to stand in my way of really having a go at this business out here in Nevada when all I should focus on is STARTING! So now you're probably all thinking: okay, go already. Start if you're going to start. GO!


Yeah. I'm still sitting here. You see, I have one big problem. Excess time.

Now before you all curse me and close out this window (or write me nasty comments about how I should be grateful, etc etc) let me say this: it's not by choice that I have this much time on my hands Obviously having moved here from Canada my husband and I have had to work through the immigration process, during which time I could not legally work in the U.S. What this has meant is that I have had too much time on my hands (I'm in my 8th month of unemployment), which means more to waste. Listen. I thrive on deadlines. The less time I know I have the more I accomplish. Give me eight hours in which to clean a bathroom toilet and I more than likely won't even do it. Send me to work though and jam me full of to-do items and I'll kick some serious time-management butt.

So what's my plan, you might ask? Now that I am legally able to work I'd like to secure a marketing position here in town and pursue photography on the side. And honestly, that's enough for now. Enough has changed this year. I'm ready to settle in to a real routine. That's where I'm at.

a simple saturday

September 10, 2011

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We had plans for our day: Dom was going to work for a few hours while I stay at home and then he would come by and pick me up before heading out to meet some friends at the M hotel pool. I sat cuddled up in the oversized chair reading, had an accidental nap and then got ready for the day. It wasn't until nearly noon that I looked outside and realized it was overcast and raining.

With our plans to head to the pool obviously changed we met up with a friend for brunch at DW Bistro. Neither Dom or myself had either been there.

coffee on a saturday

saturday brunch

It was a delicious & lovely early afternoon break.

Everything happens for a reason

September 8, 2011

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I will be the first to admit that I'm great at starting things - art projects, cleaning, photography projects, blogs - but horrible at finishing them. Heraura has been around for many years and has been in so many places that I can't even begin to remember or list them all. What I do know is that I've never really been happy with it; it's never been what I want it to be. And well, it's time to change that.

Heraura has a new home here on Blogger. A new design. And hopefully a new outlook.

I used to think that no one could ever have any interest in reading this blog because I don't lead the most exciting life. In fact, I've often referred to my life as boring. But then I read somewhere that my life is only boring if I make it boring, and it will sure as hell be boring to everyone else if I keep saying that it's boring. So I've done some digging into my life and I've come to realize that it's not boring; it's simple. And there is nothing wrong with that.

A simple kind of life. My life. And I'm okay with that.

Reading & Watching

September 7, 2011

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Book | The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I was so incredibly moved by the movie when I saw it on opening day that when I heard my sister in law had just finished the book I asked if I could borrow it from her.

Magazine | Martha Stewart Living; I've been so inspired by the photography in recent issues.

TV | The Good Wife; When I moved from Canada this past January I ended up letting a lot of shows that I watched religiously drop off of the radar - The Good Wife being one of them, but I've been slowing catching up on the latest season online.

Online | A few favourites:

  • I read this post ("When to work for free: where do you draw the line?") probably once a week just to remind myself that I should say no sometimes.

  • I only discovered this blog a few weeks ago but it's quickly become on that I check often. Head on over to Not Without Salt and it won't take you long to figure out why.

  • I've known for a while that I want to do a daily photo when I'm pregnant, but goodness gracious; I'm going to turn them into a video like this at Pacing the Panic Room.
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