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The Weekend in Photos • 04

October 31, 2011

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If you didn't already know the husband and I moved this past weekend. We decided to rent our place in North Las Vegas & move to the Southwest side of town and rent his parents' other home. Let me tell you: I've loved this house since the first moment that I saw it and I feel so, so blessed to now be living here!


a year of mornings; october 29

IMG_4414 as Smart Object-1 as Smart Object-1

a year of mornings; october 30

I stuck in a little photo of my new office/studio area, but once things are more settled I will take more photos of the space. It never really feels like home until you have all your art hanging on the walls :)
Oh, and Happy Halloween everyone.

Moving Day

October 28, 2011

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Because I'm moving today, I give you this (in lieu of an actual post).

Please send positive vibes our way to ensure a smooth transition!

Black Cat Awareness Day

October 27, 2011

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Apparently it's Black Cat Awareness Day today. Black cats are often overlooked by adopters because people are superstitious. Well, I'm going to cheers myself, because I own and love my little black kitty!


Mantle Inspiration

October 26, 2011


With the move officially happening this weekend I've kicked my inspiration hunting into high gear. One of the things I love about the new house is the recessed mantle over the fireplace in the living room/kitchen area seen in the picture below (right).


But I need some help! I knew from the beginning that I wanted to showcase something along the lines of a mix of art, photographs, some kind of vase or other decoration, candles, and typography. I love each of the following inspiration photos for different reasons.




1. via Kimberly Park on Pinterest 2. via Annie Williams on pinterest 3. via Stephanie Hull on pinterest 4. Design Sponge 5. Sweet something design 6. via Tracey Roeder on pinterest

My problem lies with the recessed portion. Arranging items along the front ledge looks nice but you can clearly see that the back portion is an open, empty space. We have a gorgeous mirror that we currently have no spot for and I'm hoping that it might fit in there to fill the space, but perhaps the reflection of the items standing in front of it will make it look too busy?! See why I'm at a loss?

I'd love some suggestions from all you lovely savvy home decor lovers out there!

Wise Words

October 25, 2011


This plaque was a gift from my mother in law on my first day of work last week, and this morning I couldn't help but think about how it so perfectly captures my life right now.

A while back I wrote about my dream of starting a lifestyle photography business, and for a while there I was had convinced myself that the responsible thing to do was to get a full-time job, start the business on the side and work my way up. I'm sure that does work for some people, but the truth is that I'm not sure I could handle it.

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

The experience of quitting my job was not a fun one, but I did learn a number of things about myself in the short time spent there; and perhaps the best result was my increase desire and motivation to spend my life doing something I love and something I can be proud of.

Lively! Modern Lifestyle Photography WILL be.

This is the time to believe in myself the way that others do. This is the time to jump.

What would I attempt if I knew that I could not fail?


False Starts

October 21, 2011

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As I write this, the clock is ticking away. In fifteen minutes I will get in my car and drive forty-five minutes to the office where I will proceed to organize my task list in detail to show where I have left off with everything. When my boss comes into the office, usually around an hour and a half after I start, I will ask to speak with her in her office. At this point I will begin to sweat profusely and stumble my way through a speech that I have been rehearsing in my head since I got home last night.

I'm quitting.

I'm miserable.

I'm not okay with being miserable.



So it's done. It's over. I feel quite a few things, including but not limited to: disappointed, discouraged, unsure, relieved, motivated, confused, and lost.

No one likes a false start, but I really did learn a lot in terms of what I want in a job now, and that makes me feel a lot better about my decision.

I quit.

And I'm a lot less miserable now.

A bumper sticker I don't totally hate

October 19, 2011

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I completely agree with my husband when he points out that 99% of the bumper stickers that we see on people's cars are absolutely stupid. I even like to snap pictures of ones that I find particularly heinous, so imagine my surprise when on my drive home from my first day of work yesterday (more about that tomorrow) I passed a car with this on the back window.

I admit, I smiled. And it was even funnier since the lady was driving two miles under the speed limit. Cullens drive fast. Get with the program lady!

sticker via

Lets pretend

October 17, 2011

Lets pretend for a second that the following outfits are all office appropriate, shall we? Because even though I feel like I should only be buying work clothes, I'm crushing big time on all of the stripes, polka dots and colours from the Kate Spade 2012 spring collection. (Thank you Michelle for bring them to my attention!)
I'd be curious to see the reactions if I walked into work tomorrow wearing one of these outfits. The ladies might smile and tell me I look great... then tell me to go change into something more professional.
That's right. In case you missed it, I got a job, and I start tomorrow. Keep an eye out this week for some posts about what it's like starting a job in a new Country and after nine months of being unemployed. It should be a fun ride.
images from here, here and here.

iOS 5

October 14, 2011


iOS 5

Are you guys all obsessed with the new iOS 5 yet? I just updated and I'm loving all of the new features. That notification screen? Genius! iMessage? Perfection. My friend Jeff sent me a link to a walkthrough of all the new features. I highly suggest that you check it out.

This weekend I'll be enjoying the final few days before I start my new job on Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Marriage diaries: For the love of a cat

October 13, 2011

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When I first started talking to my best friend about the guy from Las Vegas that I had begun talking to she had an important question for me.

“Does he like cats?”

I practically squealed a yes in reply. You see, in the past I had seemingly been cursed with boyfriend after boyfriend who had less than zero interest in cats. One was even allergic. Having grown up in a household with at least one to two cats at any given time I was almost certain that I never wanted to be without one of my own. When I first moved out of my parents place I lasted just over a year before adopting a kitten of my own, Simcoe. It would have been sooner but I lived the first seven months of that year with a boyfriend who – surprise, surprise – was not a cat person. When I adopted my little, crazy black cat I was living on my own and really loved the companionship and the more time we spent together the more I yearned for a man who could love her as well.

My best friend knew not long after our first conversation about Mr. Vegas that he was the guy for me. Actually, she knew even before I did, and was the one who really pushed me towards giving the relationship a second chance after our first meeting/weekend together left a little to be desired; but that’s a whole other story. In those first months of our long distance relationship (he was in Las Vegas, Nevada and I lived in Ontario, Canada) he did a great job of convincing me that he did in fact like my cat. I constantly caught him running around the apartment with her string following after him. We laughed about her horrible timing when it came to using her litter box. And he shared in my annoyance when she would wake us by scratching at the bedroom door at seven in the morning, but things between Simcoe, D and myself were hovering somewhere close to perfection. We were a happy family.

When I moved to Las Vegas in January 2011 my parents took over care of Simcoe until it came time to fly out for our wedding in April. I was just as happy to see my little kitty, scared but excited in her crate, as I was to see my parents and family that had flown in. I was ecstatic to be reunited with Simcoe and even less bothered by her usual crazy cat antics that began only a few days after her arrival in the U.S.

My new husband, it turned out, was a damn good actor because suddenly living with a cat 24/7 brought out his true colors.

It started with the couch: “no cats on the couch,” and grew to include beds, the side chairs, kitchen chairs, and the office chairs. Soon she wasn’t allowed into the office at all, and then before I knew it all of the doors in the house were to remain closed save for the bathroom containing her litter box. All of this had the result of leaving the bedrooms with a sort of musty smell during the hot months that we couldn’t leave the slider doors open; but that’s another story for another time.

With all of these places that Simcoe wasn’t allowed to get in her twenty hours of sleep a day she had to get creative. For a while she settled on the stairs, which drove D crazy because the light carpet seemed to be a magnet for her dark fur. When I purchased padded chairs for the counter bar she made that her new spot, which drove D nuts as well. I could keep listing on her sleeping places and I promise you that they all resulted in D shooing her away and aggressively wiping at the surface upon which she had previously been occupying.

One day, a few months into our family time, my father in law arrived with a homemade scratching post, and I’m happy to announce that Simcoe took to it immediately; and it meant that the cats hair was now limited to one area, a fact that greatly put D at ease.

All was well for a while, until we came home one evening to find that the cat had been sick on the stairwell landing. D was completely disgusted and went on a rant. I was the epitome of calm as I cleaned up her mess, but inside I was fuming – not with the cat, no - but with my husband for getting so upset over something that neither of us had any control over.

“Pets get sick just like people do.” I was exasperated.

“I just don’t get pet ownership.”

There it was. The truth.

I wish I could say that it has gotten easier since then, but it hasn’t. He still gets frustrated if she sick or when he catches her on the couch (which I’m happy to report really doesn’t happen anymore), and while he does often pick up a toy and run around the main floor with her I know that he’d still prefer that she not be around.

Sometimes I find myself thinking about that conversation with my best friend and I realize how naive I had been. After six months of marriage it is painfully obvious that my husband is definitely not a cat person, but he loves me just enough to pretend that he is.

Forget Excuses

October 11, 2011

A few weeks ago I wrote about a book that was very likely going to change my life by refocusing my thinking and forcing me to understand that constraints are advantages in disguise and should never be used as excuses.

Well, it got me thinking this morning.

It's not much of a stretch for me to say that I lean a little more towards the reserved side than the outgoing, but let me assure you that I have moved leaps and bounds from where I used to be. However, some things have a way of sticking around whether they are wanted or not.

we are all beautiful.

Late one Monday night back in August, an idea came to me suddenly. I dashed into the office, pulled out a notebook and spent the next thirty minutes writing down everything that was swimming in my head. I went to bed feeling more exhilarated than I had in months. The moment I opened my eyes the following morning I knew there was no chance of getting just a couple more hours of sleep. I had come up with the idea for a great photo series on women. I was over the moon with excitement, feeling as though this could be my way to break into the photography scene here in Las Vegas.

I spent that day brainstorming some more, taking self-portraits like the one above and creating an informational PDF document that I could send out to women I knew to tell them about the project and gauge their interest in the project. I felt unstoppable!

The feedback I received blew me away. People really were interested in taking part in the project. I announced the news of the impending project on Flickr and again there was excitement as people looked forward to seeing what I would come up with.

That was two months ago, and I haven't done a thing since.

What a shame.

I recently read somewhere that when an idea comes to you you need ruminate on it, really let it settle and form and congeal in front of you. Push it away for a little while and once you have gotten over the initial excitement of it go back and look real closely. It may not be as brilliant as you thought it was in the beginning. Letting it sit for a few days before going back to it is the only way you can really tell if you've got a good idea, or not.

I never let my idea settle; I was just too excited. But months from that night, now, I really do feel like I have something, and I promise that I'm not giving up on the idea. Priorities have shifted lately (as they so often do), but I'm still that same women I was that Monday night in August: excited for what the future may bring, and ready to stop making excuses.

Pieces of Home

October 10, 2011

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This past weekend the Hubby and I were out and about quite a bit on the other side of town so we decided to spend the night at the new house (long story short: his parents own a few properties in town and we decided to move into the new house in a more convenient part of town and rent our current place). I've been tackling some decor projects for the new place and we've slowly been moving a few things over. Yesterday as Dom prepped the jet ski's for an afternoon at the lake I walked around the new house and snapped a few photos showing the small spaces that we have made our own so far.

The blow up mattress that is our temporary bed


Two art projects (1 & 2) inspired by Jessica at A Simple Kind of Life


My old Ontario plate


Pictures on the shelves



A small number of items in the closet.


I don't know if its just me, but I love when I get a glimpse into the little details in people's homes. What about you?


October 7, 2011

So, I got the job! :)

Patience is not one of my best traits

This is my "I'm-dying-to-hear-back, I'm-a-little-impatient" look.
ninety eight
You know that job that I interviewed for on Wednesday? I was so nervous. Early on in the interview I started talking and then completely forgot what the question was and had to ask for it to be repeated. Though I started off a little bumpy I soon found my stride, and let me tell you: this job is for me. I couldn't want it more. I should hear back by tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Please keep your fingers, toes, eyes (and anything else) crossed for me.
Have a great weekend everyone.

DIY Nightstand Revival

October 6, 2011

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Remember when I first posted about how sick the Hubby and I were of our nightstand? Well, I earlier this week I finished the makeover and I'm so happy with how it turned out; and it only cost me one sheet of sand paper and a primer + paint in one ($16 from Home Depot). Mostly, it's just a little time consuming. Here's how it looked in the beginning:


Then I started sanding. I ended up taking this outside to finish the majority of the sanding but with the weather being what it was last week I was practically dripping with sweat. Eventually I had the Hubs finish it off with his power sander.


Painting supplies ready, it was time to get to work. Primer & paint in one be damned, this thing took a good four coats, five in some places before covering the original dark finish (this is what I meant by time-consuming!)



And finally, the end result:



I love how much it brightens up the room next to our dark grey bed.

the minimalism of tea

October 5, 2011

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Tea is a an act complete in its simplicity.

When I drink tea, there is only me, and the tea.

The rest of the world dissolves.

There are no worries about the future.

No dwelling on past mistakes.

Tea is simple: loose-leaf tea, hot pure water, a cup.

I inhale the scent, tinydelicate pieces of the tea floating above the cup.

I drink the tea, the essence of the leaves becoming a part of me.

I am informed by the tea, changed.

This is the act of life, in one puremoment, and in this act the truth of the world suddenly becomes revealed: all the complexity, pain, drama of life is a pretense, invented in our minds for no good purpose.

There is only the tea, and me, converging.

Thich Nhat Hanh: Tea Ceremony
( From mnmlist.com )

I have a job interview this afternoon. Please send positive vibes my way.

Nanowrimo: Why we do it

October 4, 2011

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Each November for the past seven years I have sat down at my computer or in front of a notebook with thousands of people from around the world and attempted to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

easy reading is damn hard writing ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

I first learned about Nanowrimo while I was in College in 2004; the 'how' has escaped me, but the 'why' is obvious: to give me something to look forward to. To give me something to strive for each November. To get me writing. To keep me creative. And - as a fun extra - to provide me with one hell of a conversation starter.

I've always known my reasons for taking part each year: the challenge. The thrill. The friends you make by attending the events and write-ins. After seven years Nanowrimo has become a part of me; I can't imagine not taking part. While I know why I take part, I love to hear others' explanations. I asked three friends/nanowrimo participants their reasons for writing each year.

Mike Reynolds of Puzzling Posts: An Admission of Cluelessness

"I first did NaNoWriMo four years ago when I was about half way through another exercise in writing I'd challenged myself with of writing a story a day for 365 days. I was actually ten days into November when I made the decision to go for it and clearly had no idea how much work went into writing 50,000 words over any period of time, let alone 20 days. 
Also, being late to the party, I had no idea what I was going to write about. I wrote about a thousand words of a few stories before eventually settling on the story of a man named Bill and his donkey named Donkey. I had no outline and no idea where in the world the story was going to go. But for 20 days I put together a bootload of words at a time, not spending even a minute editing what I had already written. I think I even reached the 50,000 word pinnacle with a day or two to spare. 
The first go around was lots of fun but left me wanting to be better prepared for future writing marathons. I've never really had a writing style but have always wanted to write lots of words. NaNoWriMo has been the perfect opportunity for just writing lots of words. 
I pretty much like to challenge myself when it comes to writing. I find that no matter how much I love it, it's always easier to not write than it is to write. When you've got a 50,000 word in one month deadline staring you in the face, there's no time to not be writing."

Jason Walker
"Mostly because it forces me to write, sets actual goals and forces me to do it."

Michelle McCarrie of Such a Pretty Mess
"I've been a writer since 4th grade. I started with poetry and then music and then short stories. When I was a sophomore in college, I had decided that I was going to write a book. Somewhere between classes, and drinking (I went to Penn State where drinking is basically everyone's minor) I found time to write. That didn't last long though. As I became a junior and then a senior, Political Science took up all my time. I was preparing for debates, studying for the LSAT's and writing my senior thesis, so writing for fun didn't really fit into my world. After graduation, I picked up writing my novel again and worked on it for 3 years. Then one day, my computer crashed and I hadn't backed up any of my work. My boyfriend at the time attempted to retrieve some of my missing work, but all he was able to salvage was a few pictures and half of one story I had written. The rest was gone and I was beyond devastated. 
I stopped writing after that happened... until I came across your flickr and found out about NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo (and you for bringing it to my attention) restored my passion for writing that died the day my computer crashed. This year I am hell bent on finishing. I'm in a very different place this year then I was last. And because of that, I know that I'll reach (and maybe even exceed) the 50,000 word finish line."

This year marks my eighth year of taking part in Nanowrimo. How have I done up until now?

2004: 11,093 words
2005: 15,034 words
2006: <8,000 words 
2007: ~30,000 words 
2008: Winner at 50,219 words 
2009: Winner at 50,126 words 
2010: Winner at 50,091 words

Only time will tell how I do this year. I'm not expecting much as I have a lot going on next month, including a move and a honeymoon. But it's like I said, it has become such a part of me that I can't not write.

The Weekend in Photos • 03

October 3, 2011

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Let me just say this: it is too damn hot here in Las Vegas for October! I'm Canadian; I'm used to long sleeves and jeans by now, possibly even a light jacket. 98 degrees while walking around an open park in Boulder City for the Art in the Park Festival is not what October 1st usually looks like for me.




After spending hours in the sun the hubby and I showered and crashed for an hour and a half once we got home. Sunday was spent mostly running around doing errands, but the good news: we finally bought the paint and primer for my nightstand revival project, so watch for the final product this week!

What did you all do this past weekend?

Aren't they Curious?

October 2, 2011

I'm going to talk briefly about something that has - to be very honest - had me scratching my head in confusion lately. Disclaimer: this is not for attention and this is not mean to be a complaint.

I am so interested in every aspect of my friends lives. I try to comment on most everything they post on Facebook, and I more often than not take an interest in their blogs (and yes, three out of four of my closest friends have a blog). This past January, as you may or may not know, I moved from my hometown in Ontario, Canada to Las Vegas, Nevada. It was - to this point in my life - the single hardest thing I've ever had to do. For the nine months that I've been here I've often felt cut off from my friends' lives (there are moments where I feel completely the opposite, and these have not been discounted); reading their blogs have often made me feel a lot better. I love to comment on them. Sometimes I print out their words and glue them into my journal. My friend Kim? She's 32 weeks pregnant; this post went into my journal. I miss her. Jennie? Photos of her boy (my god son) are all over my house and iPhone. I miss her every single day. Marta? This lady has been doing some seriously amazing stuff lately; I'm so proud of her. And I miss her. The amazing Esra who really does feel like my other friend-half... words cannot describe how much I miss her.

I've written before that most of the guidance and encouragement that I have received since moving to Nevada has come from people who are new to my life (friends and family here in Vegas). I'll admit that I still don't understand this, and I quite possibly never will.

Aren't they curious about my life out here? I write about it almost every day and yet not a single one of my Ontario friends ever responds to anything here. They never hit the comment button. Every day I wonder what they are doing with themselves back East. Every day I miss them. Every day. Maybe I'm exaggerating, I don't know, but I feel like an afterthought.

Aren't they curious?
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