
November 8, 2011

Breathing in Fall

I love that it's the time of the year when a scarf is the perfect addition to my outfit; as soon as the temperature cools down it's unusual to find me without one. I probably own twelve of them and am always swooning over others any time I see them in-store.

morning wishes

It is definitely beginning to feel like fall here, but boy am I craving just a quick taste of an Ontario fall day; the bright reds and oranges of the trees and that scent in the air that whispers FALL. Just a reminder, that's all I need.

We're settling in nicely to the new home and I've already fallen in love with the mid-day light hitting the bed and shining across the corner of the living room floor where my cat sleeps away the afternoon in the warm sun. Life may have not changed (just our address) but a feeling of calm has fallen on my shoulders and settled in for a long, welcome stay.