
October 23, 2012

the nursery, in pieces

I've got to say: I'm having a lot of fun building up this nursery from scratch. You've seen pictures of the room, so you know that we really do have a blank canvas to work with. Since we're waiting a little longer on most of the bigger purchases (the crib, rocker etc) I've been able to really focus my attention on the little details - and HELLO! the little details are often what make a room!! The art, the colors, the textures... I'm dreaming of how they will all come together.


If you don't already follow me on instagram @racheldelgrosso, be sure to add me as I tend to show a lot more of my daily life on there.
October 7, 2012

the nursery: before.

I wasn't even yet pregnant when I began day dreaming about what the nursery would look like. From the moment we moved into this house in October 2011 this room was kept empty, knowing it was being reserved for a baby's room. When were trying to get pregnant I once found myself sitting in the middle of the empty room touching my stomach and whispering aloud to no one in particular: please. please. And someone listened.

We have a long wait as of yet - at least it feels that way right now - but we will need all of the time we can get in order to not only prepare in the sense of buying a crib, researching daycares, etc, but also to wrap our heads around the fact that we are going to be parents.

To be honest, there's probably going to be a lot of baby talk on the blog for the next foreseeable future. I thought that one of the most fun and exciting ways to start off would be to show you the before photos of the room.

I can't wait to share more with you as the room progresses!