
December 30, 2012

2013 Intentions

With the end of the year rapidly approaching I have been doing a lot of thinking, planning + dreaming. Mostly, having been inspired by Sabra's recent posts: Why you need an Accomplishments List and 6 Questions to Ask Yourself Daily, I have really been thinking about what I want out of the new year.

Seeing as I'm horrible at sticking to New Years resolutions I thought I would simply focus on my intentions for 2013.
  1. Be more patient
  2. Embrace change
  3. Find a creative way to continue to document my life, especialy as my family grows from 2 to 3
  4. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  5. Waste less, spend less, want less
  6. Focus on the big picture
  7. Be the best mother I can be
With all of this in mind, I've given some thought as to what my one little word will be for 2013, and that is:

What are your intentions for 2013?
December 17, 2012

preparing for DJ: the nursery

I realized this past weekend that it's been a while since I shared pieces of the nursery. The last time you saw the nursery there were only small pieces, some of which have actually been replaced. Here's a little sneak peek at what it's shaping up to be as of late, complete with hand-me-downs and some homemade artwork.

It's hard to believe that we are so close to Christmas, which means the end of 2012, which means the new year... and three months until my due date.
December 10, 2012


Looking back on my trip to Honolulu, I wish I had taken a little more time to myself. I don't think it would have been an issue if while we were all gathered around the pool, I stepped out on my own for an hour.

As an introvert I literally crave alone time, even from those closest to me.This is not something I am ashamed of, as I truly believe there is no reason to be. I love being around friends and family, but I also love the alone time that comes after it. So, Honolulu. I wish I had stolen some moments for myself - found a quiet spot on the beach, or sat out on the hotel room balcony - because now I'm back home and back in the thick of the mess that I left behind, feeling trapped and running out of patience with the status quo.
December 5, 2012

what goes in a diaper bag?

Before I go any further lets get the obvious out of the way: yes, i'm sure that all you been-there-done-it mom's are laughing at me right now, but I never claimed to be a pro when it comes to babies. In fact, I've told my husband a few (hundred) times now that because of his 8-years-younger sister, he probably has more experience with babies than I do. So, now that that's out of the way....

What goes in a diaper bag? Well, opinions vary; mostly because some mom's like to keep things to a minimum, and others are packing as though they are going to be gone for three weeks at a time. Judging by the state of my purses that I carry, I think I will probably fall somewhere in between, maybe  tipping a little more towards the apocalypse-type packing.

One thing is for sure: when I first began my search for a diaper bag I quickly found out that what I really wanted was a bag that I could use a a diaper bag, but didn't scream that it was one. I wanted something that was functional, but still stylish so that I'd be happy carrying it with me everywhere. Also important, was that it was something my husband wouldn't be embarrassed to carry around if need be.

What we decided on came as a surprise, because I found it at a Quiksilver store while we were on vacation in Honolulu. I spotted it the first day, pointed it out to my husband and said I would sit on it for a while and think it through. Needless to say I thought about it every day we were there, so the day before we packed up for home we went back and bought it.

Now that we have the bag - and four more months until my due date - I have time to think about what needs to go inside. Here is what I have come up with so far (not counting my personal items such as wallet, keys, cell phone, etc):
  • Diapers: D'uh!
  • Baby wipes
  • Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer 
  • A foldaway changing pad
  • A small tube of diaper-rash cream
  • Burp cloths
  • Receiving blanket
  • Nursing pads
  • An extra change of clothes
  • Cover up for breast feeding
  • Babys bottle
  • At least one toy or comfort object (I had a blankie when I was younger)
  • A bib
  • Two pacifiers
  • Plastic bags for sealing and tossing dirty diapers or for taking home soiled clothes
Bonus items:
  • A business card with my name, address, and phone number, in case the bag gets lost
  • An extra shirt for mama for those unexpected spit-ups

I have to say that I think this is a pretty good start. Naturally, I'd love to hear some opinions from all you mom's out there!