
January 22, 2013

happy second anniversary vegas!

somehow it's been two years since my move to las vegas from ontario, canada. a lot can happen in two years, really. i posted previously about my first year (which seems like just yesterday) yet here i am heading into my third year in the desert. things have been interesting to say the least.

i started my first full-time job here in the u.s.:

my niece was born on march 17 and the hubs and i headed back home for a visit in April to meet her:

we took a little long weekend trip to san francisco:

our biggest news in 2012 was that i got pregnant!

we headed to honolulu, hawaii with friends in november:

and my parents and aunt stayed with us for a week over christmas:

well vegas, we've survived two years together. let's see what you've got up your sleeve for year three.
January 17, 2013

what no one's talking about on social media

i came across this article from IBF the other day via breanna rose and i was immediately immersed in it. i've talked in the past about how much i want to share on this blog, that it's important to be yourself and that i feel it is important to be real and relatable. i get that people want to put their best foot forward and "not be a downer" but i also think that the support that you can receive from your friends & readers really knows no bounds. whether it's out of fear or insecurity that people don't share the harder parts of their lives, i don't know, but no one's life is perfect, mine certainly isn't. but that's what's so great about being real; others will be real right back.

the author of the article also asked this question, but i'm very curious, so i'm going to pose it as well:

What do you not share on social media or your blog? Is it because things feel to personal & private, or too negative or boring?
January 2, 2013

hello third trimester

Somewhere amongst all the holiday shuffle I crossed the line into my third trimester, a fact that is hard to believe. Back when I was battling constant sickness and the most horrendous heart burn I found it so hard to believe that this day would ever come. Once I hit about 17 weeks I began to feel much better, though I was still feeling extremely sluggish, and then somewhere around the 20 week mark my energy came back and I really began to feel excited for the rest of the pregnancy. While I am definitely feeling more and more pregnant as the days pass by, everything is medically fine and I really couldn't ask for more.

I'm really excited about this final trimester (obviously because it ends with finally having my baby boy in my arms) but also because it means my baby showers, completing the nursery, and blogging about a lot of really great things to come.

hello third trimester, i'm ready.
January 1, 2013

hello january

hello to a new month and its intentions. hello to scarves, gloves and jackets growing tighter and tighter around my growing belly. hello cups of hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows. hello nights spent cuddled on the couch watching movies by the fire. hello to the beginning of my third trimester. hello to celebrating two years living in las vegas. hello january.