
February 27, 2013

project life 2013 | pages 6 + 7

 hello project life 2013 pages 6 + 7. this spread was all about noting the small, every day things like what movies we watched, how my sleep has been affected, and what the weather was like.

the full view:

February 20, 2013

project life 2013 | pages 4 + 5

hello project life 2013 pages 4 + 5. these pages were all about capturing every day life as we slowly began preparing for the baby.

February 19, 2013

tossing + turning

saturday night was not an easy one. it felt as though every half hour on the nose i was shifting from one side to the other, ensuring the pillow between my legs was in the perfect position - keeping my knees apart but not pushing up against my belly. the stitch in my right side only seems to be getting worse, causing even more discomfort while i try to sleep. sleeping with my right arm stretched up over my head seems to limit the pain, but who the hell can sleep comfortably like that?

i try not to even think about how my non-sleeping habits these days may be affecting dom, because honestly i don't need the added worry.

worry. there's that word. have i mentioned the dreams? the dreams that range from minor hiccups to a parent's worst nightmare; all stemming from unconscious worry.

i've been reading more books, trying my best to prepare for this big change, but i find myself lost in a sea of too much information: nipple confusion - which one book went on and on about and then another book (which was much more relatable) said it's a farce; writing birth plans - um, don't have one,  just know that i prefer to deliver the old-fashioned way with an epidural.

dom seems more concerned with the number of diaper changes, which i think is silly. in the grand scheme of the whole having a baby phenomenom, diaper changes are barely even on my radar. for me, i'm most concerned with the following:

  • how will i know he is eating enough?
  • what if i cannot get him to stop crying?
  • what if he needs emergency care and i don't know how to handle it?
  • how will i handle having my first child with all my friends and family back in canada?
  • how do i ensure he grows into a man like his father and grandfathers, and not like so many horrible men out there?
  • will anything about motherhood come naturally?
  • am i as ready as i can be?

these are my worries - not diaper changes. and honestly, i'm thinking that the tossing and turning has just as much to do with my bodily discomfort as it does with the discomfort inside my head.
February 14, 2013

project life 2013 | pages 2 + 3

hello project life 2013 pages 2+3. these pages were all about capturing the growth of my belly.

February 6, 2013

project life 2013 | introduction

i first discovered project life two years ago when I came across Ali Edwards' blog. needless to say, i was in love from the first moment and spent countless hours looking through Ali's project, and others that i could find online. sense then, nothing much has changed. i'm still completely addicted.

as a baby shower gift, my sister in law bought me the album and transparent pages, along with plenty of paper and stickers. i began my album a few short days later and an easily say that this is one of my favorite projects ever.

most people take on project life on a yearly basis, but with the baby coming i decided to start it off with my pregnancy and go from there. i think it's fairly safe to say that for the next foreseeable future, i will be completing a project on a yearly basis!

i recently finished my first page, so i thought i'd share it.

i ordered the seafoam kit core pages, but have yet to receive them, so this first page is a mish-mash of (for the most part) scrapbooking paper that I had on hand, and free printables that I found online. I started collecting a lot of great ideas on my pinterest, so be sure to check those out!

i'm loving this project, and can't wait to share more with you! if you're partaking in the project please leave a comment and let me know so that i can check out your pages!

happy scrapbooking!


* project life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by becky higgins. in 2013, i'm creating spreads throughout the year. here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.