
March 31, 2013

welcome Dominic IV

i'm so, so happy to finally be posting this. our little man, dominic iv was born on march 27 at 1:09am, weighing in at a big boy 9lbs, 8oz and 21 inches long. we're so happy that he is here and couldn't possibly be more in love with him.
March 26, 2013

project life 2013 | week 11

hello project life | week 11.

one of the things that i noticed while working on this weeks' spread was that i have grown attached to using two colors. last week was blue and white, and before that was turquoise and grey. this is definitely something that you will see a lot of from here on out simply because i love the way it flows. i'm also kind of moving away from rounding off all of my corners, but whose to say that will stick around for good :)

March 23, 2013

39 weeks update

it's really almost as if i have no words to describe being where i am right now. 39 weeks. it's been such a journey, to say the least. i am impatiently waiting for this little guy to decide to come into the world. i'm trying my best to dot my i's and cross my t's, while navigating increasing pelvic pain and insomnia. things may be a little quiet here for the next while, but for good reasons.
March 19, 2013

project life 2013 | week 10

hello project life 2013 | week 10. for this weeks' spread i was definitely inspired by the simplicity of Tracy's work.

this week details my maternity shoot that i had a couple weekends ago, as well as some more preparations for the baby (we got the car seat installed in my car! right on!) and some knitting that I did for him.

March 13, 2013

DJ's nursery reveal

i'm SO excited to finally be revealing the full nursery (though i kind of already did yesterday in my project life | week 9 post!). anyways, after a lot of hard work, diy-ing and searching for the perfect rug and paper straws to add a pop of color, the room is complete.

now we are just waiting for the baby to fill it!



i really put a lot of thought into every aspect of the room, and i love that everyone seemed to have pitched in somehow, whether it was my father-in-law painting the room, dom putting together the crib, my mom and aunt sewing the curtains, me making the crib skirt, our friends providing the adorable artwork above the shelves, aunts buying the worlds softest elephant stuff animal and baby blanket, and all of the great hand-me-down shoes, toys, books and clothes that we have received. it's as though there is a piece of everyone in this room.

i really couldn't be more happy with how it turned out, and i can't wait to hear what you all think of it!
March 12, 2013

project life 2013 | week 9

Hello project life | week 9.

This week I opted to again try something a little different and use some larger photos and minimal embellishments to highlight the completed nursery. I honestly love the way this weeks' spread turned out and the look + style is definitely something I hope to repeat again this year.

March 8, 2013

have a dry weekend

nursery reveal

it's raining here in vegas, which thankfully doesn't happen often, but when it does it's as though the city is a little quieter, and everyone is a little slower. it's a day for that extra cup of coffee that you don't usually need. but that's okay, it happens to the best of us, vegas.

i'm happy to announce that next week i will finally be doing the full nursery reveal. i'm so excited to show everyone the finished product! make sure to check back in for that, and until then, have a happy, dry weekend!
March 5, 2013

project life 2013 | week 8

hello project life 2013 | week 8.

i tried something new this week, creating it all digitally and printing it out piece by piece, resulting in my favorite spread yet. i had so much fun working with the black and white photos and adding in pops of yellow. i couldn't be more happy with how it turned out.

the full spread:

March 3, 2013


the wind blew in strong this morning, rattling the palm trees against the window at 6:00am. the sun was already beginning to shine into the curtain-less room, casting oblong shadows across the bed. i climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Dom, made myself a cup of tea, and took it all in with long, deep breaths.

one more month, and life will be so completely different. 
March 2, 2013

36 weeks update

it's hard to believe that i am 36 weeks along today. it feels like just yesterday i was anxious for a real "bump" so that i could stop looking chubby, and start looking pregnant. now that i'm sleeping horribly, having trouble breathing because he's pushed up against my lungs and ribs, and going to the washroom almost constantly, i'm yearning for those early days (minus the horrible nausea and heartburn i experienced of course!).

we are getting very excited and extremely nervous to meet our little guy and it became all the more real when my parents told me that they booked their flights to come out in early april. my dad will be staying for two weeks, and my mother who is retired will be staying and helping for five weeks. i couldn't be more grateful!

we are as prepared as we can be (with the exception of what i'm about to talk about), so the rest is up to intuition and instinct.

one week ago i told myself that by the time i hit 36 weeks i would have my hospital bag packed. i even woke up this morning to a couple emails from pregnancy emails lists that i'm subscribed to announcing that it's time to pack the hospital bag!

well, this is about how far i have gotten to this point. 

as you can see, i've barely scratched the surface. so i'm giving myself a new goal that i must meet: to have my bags packed my this time next saturday, when i hit 37 weeks. hold me to it, guys.

only a couple more weeks until i finally show off the completed nursery!