
February 26, 2014

Project Life 2014 • Week 7

Week 7 

February 24, 2014

curating my personal style

It's no secret that I love to shop, but I'm realizing more and more than I'm shopping in the absolute wrong places. While there is nothing wrong with buying clothes from places like Target, Forever 21 and Rhapsiodelle, the quality is simply not conducive to long-term wear. I was always a firm believer in passing up one quality item costing $75 when I could get three things for the same cost, from a different store. That is a bad mentality to have!

Furthermore, I didn't love the clothes I was buying at those stores. I want to walk into my closet and love everything that I own. I want them to speak to my personal style. I want to walk in there, pick a shirt and a pair of pants and know that they will be perfect together. For the longest time I have had too much, and yet I always feel like I have nothing to wear. 

My goal is curate my personal style and to build the perfect wardrobe full of quality, timeless pieces that I love. I want to simplify my wardrobe, purge it of items that I don't absolutely love, and slowly build it up with basics, clean lines and amazing fabrics.

I already took the first step last July when I started the 40 hanger closet project. Last night, albeit a little late, I went through my closet and discarded anything that I hadn't worn, or that I was not in love with, and I awoke this morning feeling excited about my next steps.

What are my next steps? 

I want to take the time to truly think about my personal style. What fabrics, colors, and styles am I constantly attracted to? What are some key items that I should invest in? What inspires me? To begin, I've started a mood board on pinterest, where I will gather items that speak to me, that I think describe my personal style.

I'd love to hear any of your style resolutions and goals this year, so please feel free to share in the comments!


you can follow all of my perfect wardrobe posts here.
February 23, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

Motherhood is a wild, difficult, wonderful adventure. I'm so happy we're in it together, DJ. You, me and Daddy.
February 20, 2014

Project Life 2014 • Week 6

week 6. This was the week that I flew back to Ontario, Canada for my cousin Danielle's wedding. It was a quick trip (I flew in Thursday night and was back home by Monday night), but I managed to fit in a heck of a lot into such a short time.

February 17, 2014

creative notebook 01 | caylee grey

TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF.  I am a twenty something pixel-beautifier living with my husband and Moleskine collection in Johannesburg, South Africa. I keep every paper memory, and take too many awkward photos.

WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU DO EACH MORNING? I have a glass of water and go through Instagram.

WHAT'S A COMMON MISCONCEPTION ABOUT YOU? No misconceptions that I know of.

WHAT'S YOUR DREAM JOB? I started my dream job on today, as a graphic designer.

WHAT OR WHOM INSPIRES YOU? WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOURCE OF DESIGN INSPIRATION? Every single person I follow on Instagram, new paislee press and One Little Bird kits, my photos, real life patterns, and the places I visit.

NAME THREE THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT. 1. My laptop 2. My camera 3. My photos

WHAT IS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I'm currently reading something completely average, but my favourite book ever is The Black Prism by Brent Weeks.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY? When my husband comes home from work.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE BLOGS AND WHY? I follow blogs of people whose style I love, and whose words and way of seeing the world are beautiful. I really like the non-traditional crafters and Project Lifers. I like things that are made with less embellishments, more whitespace, and generally minimalist. You can see every blog I follow here but my favourites in that list, and the ones I get excited about for every post, include: paislee press (obviously), Moments to Live For, Pink Ronnie, BCQ, The Single Girl's Scrapbook, Jay Jay Makes, and This Handmade Circus

WHAT PROJECT(S) ARE YOU WORKING ON RIGHT NOW? Right now it's just Project Life. Once I've settled into my new home I will get to work on my Moleskine full of ideas.

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CREATIVE STYLE? I'm still trying to figure it out, but I love what I create the most when it's simple, but pretty.

WHAT TOOLS DO YOU USE ON A DAILY BASIS? My camera, Photoshop, and scissors.

NAME ONE CREATIVE PROJECT YOU'VE SEEN LATELY THAT YOU WISH YOU HAD CREATED.  Lately I have been loving the way memory keepers have been recording their pregnancies. Is it bad if I want to have a baby just so that I can make things like this

WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE FEELING STUCK OR UNINSPIRED? I walk away from the project, and completely restart later. If that still doesn't work, I look at projects I've pinned, and try and "copy" it. The great thing about copying things is that it never ends up looking exactly the same, and my own style forces itself through.

WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR PROJECTS/PROJECT LIFE, WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR GOALS FOR 2014? This is my second year memory keeping. My focus for this year is to be deliberate about it. I intend to be proactive about creating, instead of reactive, you know ? It's important for me to actively look for things to make.

WHAT DOES SCRAPBOOKING/MEMORY KEEPING MEAN TO YOU? HOW HAS IT CHANGED/AFFECTED YOU?  At the risk of sounding dramatic, memory keeping has changed my life. It has made me more grateful because of recording everything that makes me thankful. It helps remember fantastic times, and it helps process the bad ones. At its very core it is a wonderful creative outlet and fulfills my longing to make something.

You can read more about caylee grey on her blog,
February 16, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

After being away from my boys for four days, visiting my family and friends back in Ontario, Canada, I was desperate to spend as much time with DJ as possible. I came home to some incredible weather, and as such we spent many hours outside, exploring, tidying and playing, as a family of three.

February 15, 2014

lately • february edition

life has been busy, uncomplicated and full of love, laughter and memories.

dom and I ran off to the mountains the afternoon of the 13th for an early valentines day night out. it was so lovely and quiet, and exactly what I needed.

the weather has been gorgeous here in vegas since my return from canada on monday night, so much so that we've been able to keep the back door open for most of the day, which is just oh so lovely.


February 9, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

He's turned in to such a little explorer, wanting to squeeze into any corner or crawl under anything he can. And always, always, with the remote in hand.

February 4, 2014

Project Life 2014 • Week 5

Week 5.

February 2, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

He turned 10 months old this past Monday and I'm wondering how time could possibly move so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. Becoming a mother has been the absolute number one hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but that boy right there... he. is. everything.