
September 29, 2014

Project Life 2014 | Week 37

Week 37!

This spread covered the week of the "Great Big September Illnesses" (Sept 8-14). I used an adorable 12x12 photo of a sick DJ to fill up some space. I kept things clean and simple and decided to journal with a typewriter this week. Truth be told: it looks neater, but I miss seeing my own handwriting.

September 28, 2014

39 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

The truth is: you've been an immense challenge lately, and we seem to have many more frustrated moments than not. Let's try to get through this stage with smiles on our faces, okay?
September 27, 2014

Oh, I'm a mess right now, inside out. Searching for a sweet surrender, but this is not the end*

It's a new season, and while I've been here, I don't really feel as if I've really been here.
Meaning: my words have escaped me as of late,
even in my journal, they have.
The reality is that things have gotten really complicated
life has gotten really complicated.
As a child all you ever want is to grow up and become an adult.
Well, this adult is wishing I could go back to being a carefree child, just for a day.
Life has been a mess of fitful sleeps and tears in the dark closet,
deep breaths once the house has quieted and disappointing ventures.
It's a new season and I'm really just trying to make it through.

Bear with me.


* borrowed words
September 22, 2014

Project Life 2014 | Week 36


Week 36!

For this spread (Sept 1-7) I tried to focus on using more white space. If you've ever worked with design e before you know that sometimes it can feel a little daunting because of the large 6x6 pieces you need to work with. While the design is often a challenge, it remains one of my absolute favorites!

September 21, 2014

38 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

While he certainly didn't get it from me, his love for bananas is an endless source of entertainment. He loves holding them himself, and feeding them to everyone else.
September 17, 2014

Shop Update | 9.17.2014

 Happy hump day!

I'm happy to announce that I have a few new items in the shop. You can see more in the shop, but here is a quick preview.

in the moment journaling cards (available in digital and physical form!)

Weekly tags no.1 journal cards.

Weekly tags no.1 elements

September 14, 2014

37 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

The mail key is his new favorite thing. It is the source of nearly endless entertainment.
September 9, 2014

It's one of my most helpless feeling times as a parent

This little guy had been feeling a little under the weather last week and was dealing with a runny nose. This past weekend his cold really hit and today will be his second day home from daycare (let's not even discuss how hard it is to stomach paying for daycare when he isn't there...). These sick days, where his normally big, round eyes are turned downwards, are one of the most helpless feeling times as a parent. But when he's constantly climbing into our laps, or wanting to be picked up and snuggled, I'm secretly thankful for the attention, because it won't last forever.

And if he always looks this sweet when he's sick, then, well, we'll get through just fine.
September 8, 2014

Project Life 2014 | August Five

You may recognize this spread from the process video that I posted last week. If you missed it, you can check that out here. Continuing on with my idea to experiment more with my spreads, I added more color than I'm used to, and I love how it turned out.
September 7, 2014

36 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

He is full of snuggles when a cold is looming just around the corner.
September 5, 2014

Project Life 2014 | August Four

I had so much fun putting together this spread. After taking the photo of the mustard sweater I bought I knew that I would be using the orange midnight cards as an accent throughout my spread. I love when the design comes to me that quickly and easily!

September 1, 2014

Project Life 2014 | August Five - Video Overview

Happy long weekend, everyone!

Despite this weekend beginning on a bit of a rough note (after nearly three weeks I finally replaced the carafe to my coffee maker that I broke, only to drop the new one onto the floor not even one hour after buying it), I did something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now. I made a video!

This is for all those people who have asked me about my process. I detailed it here, but there's nothing quite like a visual, am I right?

I tried a lot of new things, and I really enjoyed the process... and the results! I loved putting this together, so I really hope you all enjoy it.

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2014, I'm creating spreads throughout the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.

Project life 2014, Volume One | Video Overview

I have this obsession with watching people create, no matter the medium, but I really love watching scrapbookers do their thing. It is my intention to make some more videos this coming month, and to begin, I wanted to give you a look at volume one of my 2014 project life album, page by page.

I absolutely loved putting this together, and if you enjoy it, I would love to hear your thoughts on what else you would like to see from me!

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2014, I'm creating spreads throughout the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.