March 25, 2014

the kind of woman i want to be

i want to read great books that make me feel alive.

i want to wash my face at the end of every day.

i want to successfully plant and keep a garden alive in my backyard.

i want to never speak ill of anyone.

i want to spend more time in coffee shops, writing, reading, or just sitting there thinking. what's important is that it is time to myself, alone, out of the house and (hopefully) out of my head.

i want to wear red lipstick more often, because it makes me feel beautiful.

i want to never be too lazy to straighten my hair.

i want to inspire creativity in those around me.

i want to be someone that my friends and family can always count on.

i want to be more diligent about tweezing my eyebrows.

i want to have endless things to scribble in my moleskins. oh, and start a moleskin collection.

i want to never be too tired or lazy to cook a healthy dinner for my family.

i want to always say yes when my son wants me to play with or hold him.

i want to make money doing something that i love, surrounded by people that i respect and admire, in an environment that encourages friendship and creativity alongside hard work.

i want to write more handwritten letters.

i want to find balance between "rachel the mom" and "rachel the woman".

i want to drink more tea and less coffee.

i want to always grow and learn to understand myself more.

i want to always write lists, simply because i find them comforting.

and above all else, i want to be true to myself.



  1. I love this. I'm inspired to do a post of my own just like this.

    1. can't wait to read yours!

  2. so love this and all of the truth in it. that face washing thing keeps making it onto my resolutions list time and time again. why is it so hard?

    1. oh my gosh, i just don't know!!

  3. I love this, love it! So many I nodded my head agreeing. Might have to do one myself and then print it out and pop it in my office as a reminder of what I want to be!

    1. what a great idea!

  4. You are such a great writer. This is a lovely manifesto of sorts, and you've inspired me to write my won.

  5. I love this! You have such a way with words. I've been struggling lately with feeling lost in this world full of creative people. I am so familiar with a lot on your list. You've inspired me to try one myself. Thank you, Georgia

    1. thank you for commenting georgia, and i'm so glad that i have inspired so many of you!

  6. I want to spend more time writing my thoughts down instead of letting them stew in my head. Wonderful post and super inspiring Rachel!

  7. you are amazing. i swear that all of these same statements have been floating around in my head and here you've jotted them all down.


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