
June 2, 2014

project life | my 2014 approach (revised)

i'm busy enjoying my best friend and her family being in town, so in lieu of my usual project life spread post, there's this :)

it's been over five months since i first wrote about my 2014 project life approach, and i thought it might be a good idea to go over a few things since i did in fact make some changes with putting together my albums this year.

  1. to round or not to round. going into 2014 i had it in my head that i needed to either round all of my corners or none at all. turns out i don't really mind if the edges aren't all uniform! i was also convinced that i would do more journalling on the computer before printing (not the case, it appears) and that i would use a weekly review card each week (definitely didn't do that).
  2. dividers. i didn't like the way the midnight edition dividers looked in my album. i found the colors and designs too distracting, so i changed them to the clear dividers.
  3. title cards. i had thought that i would keep all of my title cards uniform. throughout my spreads this year i've been experimenting, trying to find a look that i like. for a while, a photo of me out on my street was doing the trick, but when i (temporarily) gave up weekly spreads, that fell to the wayside. what i believe i've decided on now, is to include a photo of myself in the title card slot and leave it at that.
  4. album labels. for the binder labels, i used ones that i designed that are offered as a freebie!
  5. page designs. going into 2014, i also thought that i would use only design a pages. what i definitely learned is that i like to switch it up. i get bored using the same style of page over and over. this year, i've found that some of my favorite spreads mix and match different pages.

lastly, i knew that i would be using more digital elements, and becoming part of the digital design essentials creative team cemented this. i'm still a huge, huge fan of paislee press and this spread using liz's products is one of my all-time favorites.

really, the point of all this is that you can have a plan and think you're going to stick to it, but you never know what kind of inspiration will hit, and how it will drive you. i say: embrace it and have fun, because that's what this is all about, no?

what have you done differently this year than planned?

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2014, I'm creating spreads throughout the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013 + 2014.


  1. So true. It's good to have a plan, but there are no rules!

    I thought I'd let the weekly spreads go, and I still have no rules about sticking to them, but I actually have stuck to them so far. I'd like to get a photo of myself and my husband in every spread, but that doesn't always happen. And most week's I'm including a favorite song since we tend to listen to a lot of music, but sometimes I just don't have room or I forget.

  2. Oh girl, there has been SO much that I've done differently this year than I had planned. So much so, that I'm going to write an entire post about it at some point (hopefully this month!).

    I am so envious that you have such a knack for mixing and matching page designs. I fail miserably at every attempt I make at mixing things up, but in the end I don't dwell on it because I think I'm too Type A to not have "matching" page designs each week. It also makes it much easier for me to plan. But Rachel. GIRL. YOU ROCK THIS.

    I think the biggest takeaway I've learned from PL this year is this: what you like about someone else's style doesn't always mesh well with your own style. It seems contradictory at first, but I firmly believe it.

    Hope you're enjoying your long weekend with friends!

  3. you totally rock those different page protector designs and this totally inspired me to try this next year.


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