
December 19, 2014

10 Project Life Pages I Wish I'd Created

There is some amazing talent out there, that's the truth. And I'm constantly finding inspiration for my own creative projects each time I turn on my computer.

Here are ten project life pages I absolutely adore, and wish I could claim as my own.

1. Manda Townsend is genius. This spread is no exception.

2. Jamaica is the small format queen, lets just get that out right now. This spread is one of my absolute favorites. That book photo? Be still my heart.

3. Kim is an amazing photographer from Toronto, and so naturally her photos constantly blow me away. This particular page is just so incredible. I love her repetition.

4. Caylee's spread are always fun, but this week in the life insert is one of my favorites.

5. Another Manda Townsend page. This spread, with all it's colorful goodness just makes me smile every time I see it. She is probably my favorite PL-er.

6. I'm bad at using white space in my spreads, but this spread by Cat is oh so delicious.

7. I never have the guts to write on my big photos, but this page by Trisha Harrison is perfect.

8. I kind of love the idea of a food themed spread, like Ali Edwards did here. Might have to try this out in the new year.

9. Liz makes some awesomely minimalistic spreads, this one being a particularly inspiring one. The white space!! the blues!! so much love for this spread.

10. If Jamaica is the small format queen, then Kristi Prokopiak is…. whoever is directly under the queen… the vice queen? This spread is genius.

What Project Life pages do you love and wish you could claim as your own? Comment below with links so that I can check them out.


  1. This is such a genius idea for a post! Great way to share inspiration. LOVE IT!

  2. Steffie van den AkkerDecember 19, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    What a fun post! My favorites:
    The ones by you like this:
    Donya's pages at
    Ronnie's albums:
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this! :)

  3. Yep some great inspiration here. I too love white space but can't pull it off on my spreads and end up using all the colours!

  4. I am new to project life. And what awesome inspirations found here. Thank you!!! :)

  5. I'm just now seeing this while I was stalking your blog!! YOU are too. Makes my heart feel so full and happy. Heart you so much.


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