
January 22, 2015

10 Pieces of writing you should all have read by now

For as far back as I can remember, there has always been a correlation between what I'm reading and what I'm writing, as in: the better reading I do, the better my writing. In the past two weeks I have read some truly amazing books, blogs and articles, and they have inspired me so much that I wanted to share them with all of you.

1. Just you wait - "When you calmly respond that "nope, not quite yet!" the person will shake their head, smile wisely and say slowly in the most terrifying voice, "Just you wait." " Elise has always had a way with words, but as a mother of a 22 month old, this particular post really hit home. 

2. Why all 20-somethings should journal - "Nowadays it’s easy to get caught up in all the things going on outside of ourselves," says the author, and I couldn't agree more. As someone who began journaling at the ripe age of seven, it is something that I cannot imagine ever stopping, and what has helped me through many troubling periods in my life.

3. 30 Life things I Try and Remember - I only recently discovered Emma Gannon, and my goodness, I didn't know what I was missing. From "A good song in the morning can change your day" to "Don’t listen to everything your idol has to say" I found myself nodding along to everything on her list.

4. Why we all need a platonic soulmate - "It’s easy to get caught up in the fantasy of finding The One, and it’s even easier to get caught up in the reality of our culture’s obsession with coupling up. But it’s important to remember that it is completely okay to focus on your friends as the great loves of your life if that’s what makes you happy." Need I really say more?

5. Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar, by Cheryl Strayed - If I owned the copy that I read instead of borrowing it from the library it would have been covered in underlines and highlighter marks. I was so blown away by her advice, but also by how she so thoroughly injected stories of her past into her responses.

6. Other women aren't the competition - "Her success is not your failure, her destination isn’t your own," Megs writes (and women around the world break into applause). I was so moved by this post, had so many moments where I nodded along and thought: yes, she is right.

7. The only thing you need to be happy is this -  Must. keep. this. in. mind (and save myself a loooottttttt of trouble)

8. Practical advice when kids have too much stuff - Stop buying it. Lead by example. Say "just one." All so great, all so true. A good read for all the parents out there.

9. 20 Little things I've learned life is too short for - "Worrying about those five pounds. Nobody but you knows they exist." AMEN. Just... AMEN.

10. I Bought a plant - You may think it's a blog post about a plant, which it kind of is, but it's really more about radical self-love. A must read by the always incredible Meg Fee.


  1. Thank you! I have enjoyed reading every one of these! Definitely perspective changing :)

  2. mmm so many of these look like great reads! Bookmarking them so I can come back, after I finish this darn paper!

  3. Thank you for these! You should post stuff like this more often. I felt better about my life, myself, and my world after reading these.

  4. Off to read... thanks for sharing


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