
June 19, 2015

Project Life 2015 | May Two

I've been slacking on posting my spreads, in fact, I have four spreads other than this one just waiting to be shared. These are some of my favorite pages I've ever put together, so I look forward to catching up and showing them off :)

I recently purchased some Ali Edwards digital pieces, like the messy circles shown here, and I just adore them. I'll be using them a lot moving forward.


Products Used: Design F (trimmed), Man's World cards, Big City Quiet Designs card (upcoming release), Ali Edwards Messy Circles, SC Color Theory ink pad, date stamp

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2015, I'm creating a spread for each week of the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.

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