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Week in the Life 2014 | Thursday Words + Photos

October 31, 2014

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Number of Photos taken today: 53

Today was the first day that struggled a little with documenting. We didn't do much, which of course means it was a perfectly average day, the kind that I really do want to document.

Here's a little peek at our Thursday.

Another finished square of my blanket.

A tea during DJ's nap time.

Cleaning the medicine cabinet.

DJ was here.

A family walk down to the plaza for some quick groceries.

Love these boys.

He is obsessed with the swiffer.

Casting on a new square.

Sneaking in a mini rest.

Working on my creative team submissions.

A little reading outside while DJ naps.

Finally bought him some new shoe laces.

A margarita before DJ's bed time.

Look what the hubby surprised me with!

Thoughts on today: I had to really power through today. I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling a little more invigorated.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Thursday words and photos below!

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