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Week in the Life 2014 | Wednesday Words + Photos

October 30, 2014


Number of Photos taken today: 144

DJ spends Monday and Tuesday with his grandparents, so for the past two days it felt super strange documenting life without him. There was no doubt in my mind that when he was back home with us that I would be taking a lot more photos.

Here's a peek at our Wednesday.

Snack with daddy.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Groceries after the dentist.

 Pumpkin patch!

Back home hanging with these boys.

It was National cat day, did ya'll know that?

Vacuuming and other assorted cleaning.

A little snack.

His new favorite thing to do these days is to play in the sink.

 Unloading the dishwasher.

Making dinner.

Dinner. Chicken pad thai with homemade sauce. Oh so good.

Bath time.

Thoughts on today: I love what I chose to document today.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Wednesday words and photos below!


  1. Love these! I adore bathtub shots. My one year old's thing is climbing on top of EVERYTHING. I accidentally left my other son's bedroom door open today and found him on top of his desk in the crayons. I am really enjoying your site...glad I found it.

    1. That sounds about right. My son is 19 months and he is really starting to test limits of things. He likes to climb onto this tricycle thing we have and stand up on the seat. or walk on the ottoman, or stand on his little chair. he's a dare devil already. i swear i've lots 4 years off of my life already!


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