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Week in the Life 2014 | Tuesday Words + Photos

October 29, 2014


Number of photos taken today: 67

Despite it being a work day, I feel like I did a much better job of photographing the day than I did yesterday. Day two, feeling great! Here's a peek into my Tuesday.

Shower time.

 Tea time.

Getting ready for work.

Feed Simcoe.

Grab a coffee to go.

Today's outfit.

Work work work.


Dinner out with the hubby. So rarely happens.

 Landscaping at our friends place after dinner. He really is a jack of all trades.

I wish we had real grass at our house.

And a pool would be nice too.

Back home, Dom working while watching the baseball game.

Knitting before bed.

Thoughts on today: Made a tough decision today, but feeling very at peace with it.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Tuesday words and photos below!


  1. I love your photos. Followed your project life for a while, but never seem to have time to leave comments everywhere. Always so inspiring..thanks for that!

    1. Thanks Jessica! I'm off to check out your post now!

  2. Loved seeing a little of your everyday!

  3. Hello Rachel, your photos are so nice and inspiring! I'll do WITL next week when kids will be back at home. Thank you for sharing!


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