
November 12, 2014

Plans for Project Life 2015

As we approach the middle of November, I've been thinking about what I will do differently in 2015. I took a look back at my plans for 2014 (one and two) and have thought about what I've learned throughout the year and with each passing spread. Here's what I'm thinking.

What will stay the same:

  1. The size. Back in June, I was convinced that it was going to make things much easier if I downsized to a smaller album size. I even gave 6x8 a try for a week. But I realized that I have so much to say about life that staying 12x12 is simply the best option for me.
  2. Minimal embellishments. I subscribed to the SC kit for six months earlier this year and what it taught me is that there are a lot of extras that simply aren't my style. In 2015 I'm going to keep it simple when it comes to embellishments. Wood veneers, stamps and the occasional little extras.
  3. Page protector designs. Throughout my Project Life journey I have used a variety of page designs, and loved mostly every minute of it. I intend to keep using a variety of pages, more specifically design e, b, f and c. 
  4. Dividers. I started 2014 using the midnight dividers, but found the colors to be too distracting, so replaced them with the clear ones. I will definitely be doing the same in 2015.
  5. Printing at home. I realize that it's more expensive this way, but printing at home is probably realistically why I have never been more than one week behind. I would like to try including some 12x12 prints in my 2015 album though, and those I would have to send out to a printer.
  6. Two Albums. Like I did this year, I will continue to divide my pages into two albums, one covering January to June and the other covering July through December. The WRMK faux leather albums are my favorite, I will be using these ones next year.
  7. Sharing. I will continue to share my spreads on a weekly basis, probably sticking with Mondays like I have done for a while now.

What will be different:
  1. Format. I'm going to go back to a weekly format, mainly because it will keep things more clean and organized. If I have more photos than available spots in a spread, I will either make a bonus spread or include an insert.
  2. Title cards. I go back and forth with these, some weeks using the actual title cards from various kits, and some weeks I create my own with card stock. Still other weeks, I simply date a photograph. I would like to keep things a little more consistent in 2015. 
  3. More storytelling. I've been good at including journaling in my spreads, but I really want to focus more on what stories I am writing about our lives. 
  4. POV. I tell myself constantly to include more from my husband, but so rarely follow through. I really want to make that a priority in 2015. 
  5. Background. This year I was really bad about consistently shooting my spreads on the safe surface and it drove me nuts. I will decide on a background for 2015 and stick to it!
So that's where I'm at with my plans for Project Life 2015. I highly suggest you check out both Caylee's plans and Kellie's plans for next year as well.

What about you? What are you going to do differently (or the same) next year?


  1. Rachel your PL spreads, especially the latest ones, are some of my favorites and I am SO glad that you're going to keep up with it next year :)

    1. Thanks Giada! I truly can't imagine not documenting each week!

  2. I love your plans. I have been making plans for myself for 2015, and it includes weekly spreads. Your layouts are some of my favorite. I am really all about keeping it simple and doable. Less stuff, more photos and words.

    1. That's awesome. Will you be sharing yours online?

  3. I'm with you on the SC subscription. I had it for 6 months- then decided to do away with it. There is so much I simply just don't use (or like). I am however doing 6x8 this year. It's easier for me to fill up smaller spreads then 2 12x12 pages a week. I REALLY want to work on doing more journaling in 2015 though.

    Thanks for sharing your plans. I look forward to seeing your layouts every week :)

    1. Yeah there was just too much that I would never use in my spreads and so it wasn't making financial sense. I do miss the thrill of opening the kit each month though :(

      As for the size - you just have to do what's right for you!

  4. I love all your plans for 2015 Rachel and so glad you shared them. I like you signed up for SC and while I loved everything, it's not always my style and most was going to waste.

    I can't wait to follow along with you in 2015.

    1. Thanks Kellie! Expect to see a lot more #kelliestamps :)

  5. This sounds like a good plan! But I need to know what "POV" means.

    1. point of view :)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I love this post Rachel! My plans for next year are very similar. After experimenting with 6x8 for the last 6 months, I'm going back to 12x12 in 2015. I totally need to get back to basics too. Looking back, some of my favorite spreads are minimally embellished but still have lots of meaning. Thanks for sharing all of this!

    1. Glad to hear it! You have to do whatever works for you :)

  8. I love all your plans for 2015, especially documenting more of your husband. I so have to make that a priority myself as well. Thank you for sharing all your plans, I love to read about how others are planning on approaching PL this coming year.

    1. Thanks Carly. And it's one of my fav topics to read about too!

  9. What great plans. I'm with you on all five of your focuses for next year. You know that I vote for going back to the feet title cards.

    1. Done and done! :)

  10. Wonderful post. Planning ahead... I need to get on that train.

  11. Love your plans, and they are pretty much exactly what I am going to do. Either a 12x12 or 9x12 (depending on if SC has one in the works along with page protectors) and simple embellishments. I'm sort of with you on the SC subscription, even though I JUST signed up for a 6 month sub. Some of the cards are cute, but some of the stuff I'll never use unless I force myself to.

  12. At the beginning of the year, I started asking my husband for a "picture of the week" every Sunday. I love including something from his week in my PL. I slacked off on asking consistently, but he's a good sport when I do.

    1. I love that idea, very cool! I may have to pitch that one to my hubby :)


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