
October 31, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 | Thursday Words + Photos

Number of Photos taken today: 53

Today was the first day that struggled a little with documenting. We didn't do much, which of course means it was a perfectly average day, the kind that I really do want to document.

Here's a little peek at our Thursday.

October 30, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 | Wednesday Words + Photos

Number of Photos taken today: 144

DJ spends Monday and Tuesday with his grandparents, so for the past two days it felt super strange documenting life without him. There was no doubt in my mind that when he was back home with us that I would be taking a lot more photos.

Here's a peek at our Wednesday.

October 29, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 | Tuesday Words + Photos

Number of photos taken today: 67

Despite it being a work day, I feel like I did a much better job of photographing the day than I did yesterday. Day two, feeling great! Here's a peek into my Tuesday.

October 28, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 | Monday Words + Photos

Number of photos taken today: 33

What a day! I had so much to do, and I'm happy to say that I was able to get the vast majority of it done, all while playing along in the #weekinthelife fun. Here's a little peek into my day:

Morning selfie.

  Diving into the laundry.

Californication on Netflix.

Work work work.

A call from mom.

An etsy order.

Happy mail.

A trip to Hobby Lobby for more yarn.

A quick dinner on my own.

Thoughts on today: I didn't take enough photos.


I would love for you to share a direct link to your Monday words and photos below!

Week in the Life 2014 | Monday Words + Photos

Number of photos taken today: 33

What a day! I had so much to do, and I'm happy to say that I was able to get the vast majority of it done, all while playing along in the #weekinthelife fun. Here's a little peek into my day:

October 25, 2014

43 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

It was such a natural moment, the way it came together. I turned the corner and there they were, reading together. I was thankful to have my camera nearby so that I could snap the photo before DJ even realized what I was doing. These days, if he sees the camera, he comes running for it.
October 22, 2014

Things I'm Working On

I'm working on preparing for Week in the Life beginning next Monday by gathering supplies and compiling a list of photos I might like to capture, and things I want to be sure to record during the week.

I'm working on not sweating the small stuff, which is actually turning out to be quite difficult.

I'm working on being more patient with DJ and remembering that he's still so little and doesn't understand a lot of what he does and why he cannot do it.

I'm working on getting myself back into the habit of writing every day as Nanowrimo approaches. This will be my eleventh year writing, and coming off of my win last year, I'm hopeful that I can give it a good shot again next month.

I'm working on organizing my scrapbooking stash, and using up what I have before purchasing anything new (with the exception of the binder and page protectors for Week in the Life). I have so much stuff, some of which I won't ever use, so I have been organizing everything into piles and will be mailing some out to friends around the States to use. I love that nothing will go to waste.

I'm working on keeping the kitchen table clean. It seems to be the dumping ground for everything and I really can't stand how cluttered it makes the room look.

I'm working on my knitted blanket, mitered square by mitered square.
October 20, 2014

Project Life 2014 | Week 41

Week 41! (Oct 6 - 12) 

A lot of cool stuff happened this week, most notably my husband's 20th high school reunion bar night, and the start of my (I really need a better name for this) happiness project.

October 18, 2014

42 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

I love catching these glimpses of what he'll be like as a young boy. Moments like these: him on his couch with a snack, watching his favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
October 17, 2014

Shop Update | 10.17.2014

Happy Friday!

I have a few new digital products in the shop to tell you about. You can find out more over here, but here's a quick look at the new releases, just in time for Week in the Life this October 27th!

Weekly Grind Journal Cards

Weekly Grind word block elements

 Word Block Sentiments no.1

Autumn Afternoon Journal Cards 

Have a great weekend!
October 13, 2014

Project Life 2014 | Weeks 39 - 40

I've fallen behind with sharing my spreads, mostly because I complete one and move on, only to look back later and think: something just isn't right. So, I've been making adjustments here and there until I'm happier with the spread. This is something I am really trying to avoid, actually. Go figure.

Anyways, here's the completed September Four spread.
October 11, 2014

41 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

He's a climber these days. On the chairs, couches, stroller, stairs, fireplace ledge, everything and anything he can reach.
October 9, 2014

Reverse Reader Q & A

If you've followed my blog for a while, or even for only a short time, you may have noticed that I talk a lot about my life, myself and my family. This means that you might know a fair amount about me, much more than I know about any of you. Let's change that a little bit ok?

Kelsey came up with the awesome idea to do a reverse Q&A where you the readers answer some questions, instead of me always spilling the beans. She also took that adorable photo up there, that I blatantly stole to use today (love you, girl! don't hate me!) Here's how this works.

Below I'm posing five (what I hope to be) non-standard "get to know you" questions so that I can get to know you a little better (and to hopefully encourage a little creative conversation). You don't have to answer them all, but I would love if you did! Without further adieu, the questions!

1. Describe the soundtrack to your life; list specific songs if you can.

2. Have you ever heard any outstanding rumors about yourself? What was it?

3. Knowing what you know now, what one thing, if anything, would you go back in time and change about your life if you could? What effect would it have on your everyday life?

4. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be?

5. What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?

Check out these other amazing bloggers taking part in the Reverse Reader Q&A this week: Kelsey, Caylee, Olya, and Andrea
October 5, 2014

Project Life 2014 | Week 38

Week 38!

I tried something new again with this spread and I love how it turned out. I was short on photos for the week, but I also knew I didn't have a lot to say, so I opted to use an 8.5x11 insert as the right side of my spread. I kept the colors muted and simple and went without any embellishments.
October 4, 2014

40 / 52

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014"

Every so often we are given a glimpse of the young boy you will soon become, the things you will enjoy doing, the things that will both excite you and frustrate you. You're growing so quickly before our eyes, dear DJ. Slow down a little, okay? 
October 1, 2014

21 Days to a Happier Me

September was a tough month.  While there was plenty to perpetuate that, I came to realize that my outlook on life was making it worse. So. I'm trying something new this month.

Based on theories and guidance by Shawn Achor, I'm going to spend the next 21 days training myself to be happier, by doing the following:
  1. List 3 things I'm grateful for 
  2. Journal one positive experience that I had each day 
  3. Meditate 
  4. Exercise
  5. Perform random acts of kindness - write one positive email thanking or praising someone
At the end of the 21 days I'm going to come back and tell you how I feel, but what I'm really hoping for, is that you will be able to see a difference even without me having to tell you.

Happy October everyone.