December 31, 2013

one little word • 2014

A couple weeks ago I was fretting that I hadn't yet figured out what my one little word for 2014 would be. Ali told me to "keep my ears open, it will come." and I had to laugh at my silliness, because it did come to me. That night.

The CORE is a basic, essential, or enduring part of an individual; the inmost or most intimate part; the essential meaning. I want to spend my energy focusing on the most essential, core parts and people of and in my life.

It means focusing on my core relationships (and letting go of those who no longer play a central, positive role in my life), focusing on the values and beliefs that I hold at my core and making decisions that mesh with those things most precious to me.

It means focusing on nurturing my emotional and physical core, and letting go of negative thoughts and actions and focusing on the positive in my life.

I'm excited to see how my one little word will manifest itself in 2014, and I hope that you will all follow along on my journey to find out.


You can read about my one little word for 2013 here.

* One Little Word is "a word to focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as you go about your daily life",  created by Ali Edwards. You can see all of my one little word posts here


  1. Your word is fantastic. I love how the same word can have different meanings to different people. For me, core means something else, but after reading your description it makes me want you word too ! ♥ Excited to see what path it takes you on.


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