January 26, 2015

Project Life 2015 | Week 02

Week two! After this post, I'm most likely going to be sharing my spreads two weeks at a time every second Monday. Photographing, editing and composing the posts every week is becoming quite tedious, so this is more for my sanity than anything.

Full spread view.

Left side, design F.

Right side, design A.


Products Used: design f, design a, midnight edition, kellie stamps - daily, paislee press faves, big city quiet week card, date stamp,  tiny attacher

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2015, I'm creating a spread for each week of the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.


  1. I love that you wrote down what your husband said to you on the Sunday card. I'm sure that is something you'll love reading over and over again.

  2. I came across your blog on pinterest and love your simple layouts! I recently started a Project Life Link Up on my blog every Monday! I would love for you to link up share your title page! http://daytodaydrummonds.blogspot.com/2015/01/project-life-monday-link-up_26.html

  3. I don't think I've told you that I'm in love with your weekly title cards. And also... you know... your use of white.


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