February 16, 2015

Project Life 2015 | Week 06

Well,  I'm six weeks in to my third year documenting with Project Life. This is the year where burnout is common, where people stop documenting, or get behind. I will admit that I felt a bit of this in the first few weeks and ended up creating spreads that I wasn't terribly happy with. 

What I'm trying to say, is that it happens, and all you can do is plug along, and I promise you that things will get better. After I got over my slump, I've created some of my favorite spreads to date!

Full spread view. Left page is Design F trimmed down and the rise side is Design G.

For the left side I trimmed down a Design F pocket page and used a filler card from my favorite theme kit, A Man's World. For the title card I simply added in a white rectangle where I could stamp the date. I made the quote card myself.

 The right side is design G, which I'm really loving these days.

I finally managed (read: remembered) to get a photo at my soccer game this week. Small wins!

 And here's how it looks in my album.


Products Used: design f (trimmed), design G, A Man's World theme kit, BCQ Designs journal card (being released next month), Kellie Stamps "hashtag" set, date stamp,

* Project Life is a product, system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. In 2015, I'm creating a spread for each week of the year. Here are all of my pages from 2013, 2014 + 2015.


  1. I'm not into Project Life myself, but I love seeing your designs and spreads. Your style is always really inspiring to me!

    1. Thank you, thank you! xx

  2. that is definitely a really great card from the "A Men's World Theme". And your design? Why do they always have to be so awesome? Another one I definitely need :)

    1. You're so sweet, Andrea. Thanks :)

  3. Rachel, you take awesome Project Life layout pictures. To me that is one of the hardest parts, you on the other hand rock at it! :) Great spread!

    1. I'm lucky in that 1) I get some great natural light in my house and 2) that I'm home when the natural light is at its best :)

  4. These are really nice pages. You do a great job. They just look so clean and put together! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle!

  5. Your pages are beauitful! I am currently listening to the Pocket Talk podcast and was so excited to hear that there was someone else in Las Vegas doing Project Life, I don't know anyone locally that scrapbooks.


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