April 28, 2015


I've been blogging in one shape or another for over fifteen years, did you know that? I think that it's safe to say that from time to time I'm going to question the whole thing: should I keep going? What am I getting out of doing it? Am I sharing what I'm meant to be sharing, or trying to be someone I'm not?

I've been contemplating each of these things again recently.  Maybe it has something to do with this time of the year: where the moment you step outside the scent of flowers invades your senses; and the sun feels refreshing warm on your bare arms. These are the times that I question my priorities and try to remind myself of what I truly want to be doing with my days.

I haven't got it all figured out quite yet: what I want to do with this space I've built. And, sadly, I have voices echoing in my head saying "you shouldn't post this," or "don't post _____ because people will think ______."

So for now, I think I'll take a little break from doing what I've been doing for too long now: thinking everything through far too much. For once I'd like to just write, hit enter, and not think about it.

I'll be sharing a lot more over here at my old space from now on, too. Let's call it an ode to simpler times.

But let's be honest: I love this space, and I'll never leave it. I'm just trying to figure out how to be at peace with it all.

1 comment:

  1. I totally get the way you're feeling.


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